TIMEDOO肽度(微信号:Time-doo)获悉,2019年11月7日-8日,作为中国核酸学术、技术及产业重要风向标的第七届中国核酸国际论坛(CNAF将在广州科学城翡翠希尔顿酒店隆重举行,本届论坛共邀请近20位国际知名学者及企业代表作为报告嘉宾,其中包括2006年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主Craig Mello2013年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主Thomas Sudhof美国科学院院士Dinshaw Patel,预计将迎来超过350名国内外学术代表及企业人员出席本届会议。




11月6日 星期三
14:00-18:00    注册签到(广州翡翠希尔顿酒店大堂)
11月7日 星期四
07:30-08:45    注册签到(第一天未签到参会者)
Opening Remarks
Craig Mello, PhD, University of Massachusetts, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, USA
Understanding and Applying RNAi in Mammalian Cell NucleiDavid Corey, PhD, Rusty Kelley Professor of Medical Sciences, UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Refreshment Break & Poster Session
Driving in the Dark: Hunting for Long Noncoding RNAs in CancerRory Johnson, PhD, Department of Medical Oncology, University of Bern, Switzerland
Biomimetic Chemistry of RNAi TherapeuticsMuthiah Manoharan, PhD, Senior Vice President, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, USA
Buffet Lunch
Structural Biology of CRISPR-Cas Surveillance ComplexesDinshaw Patel, PhD, Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, USA
Biological Robustness: Genetic Compensation and Transcriptional AdaptationDidier Stainier ,PhD, Director, Department of Developmental Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Germany
Refreshment Break & Poster Session
Deciphering the ‘m6A code’ via Quantitative, Antibody Independent MappingSchraga Schwartz, PhD, Group leader,Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Targeted Intracellular Delivery of siRNA
Xiaohu Gao, PhD, Professor of Bioengineering, University of WashingtonUSA
Technolgy Report  ITBD
End of Day 1
11月8日 星期五
The Molecular Logic of  Neural Circuit FormationThomas C. Südhof, M.D., Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine, 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, USA
MiRNA Therapeutics: From  Discovery to the BedsideEkkehard Leberer, PhD, Senior Director of R&D Alliance Management, Sanofi, Germany
Refreshment Break & Poster Session
Functional Characterization and Therapeutic Targeting of Gene Regulatory ElementsNadav Ahituv, PhD, Professor, Institute for Human Genetics, University of California SanFrancisco, USA
Manufacturing and Synthesis of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics from Process Development, through Clinical to Commercial ScaleTBD, GE Healthcare Biopharm, Sweden
Buffet Lunch
The Role of tRNA Derived Small RNAs in  Gene Regulation – A Potential Target for a New Cancer TherapeuticMark A. Kay, PhD, Professor, School of Medicine, Stanford University, USA
Humanized Synthetic Biology Approaches to Exploit RNA RegulationBryan C. Dickinson, PhD, Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Chicago, USA
Gene Regulation Mediated by Non-coding RNAs, RNA Binding Proteins and RNA ModificationsGunter Meister, PhD, Professor and Chair of Biochemistry, University of Regensburg, Germany
Functions and Modes of Action of Long  Noncoding RNAs in Mammalian Cells
Igor Ulitsky, PhD, Senior Scientist,Department of Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Technology  Report  II
Closing Remarks
会议报名:王老师电话:15521105514 020-32290221转604



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